Southeast Volunteer Fire Department
The Southeast Volunteer Fire Department (Southeast VFD), in the southeastern area of Harris County Texas, is dedicated to the preservation of the lives and property of both its residents and visitors. Since 1972 the Southeast VFD has provided emergency medical and fire suppression services to the county and the surrounding localities through volunteer and career paid staffing. Providing Fire, EMS and Rescue services to a community of approx 25,000 residents. We operate out of two stations with 3 Engines, 2 Ambulances, 4 Duty vehicles, a Brush Truck, Rescue Truck and several High Water Rescue Truck. We cover approx. 5 square miles of Southeastern Harris County bordered by Beltway 8, Interstate 45, Pearland and Friendswood.

Making A Difference




Community Outreach

"It is a true honor to lead such a dedicated group of men and women who give so selflessly of their time and talent to assist complete strangers in their time of need, regardless of the dangers, conditions or threats to their safety and well being. Truly Unpaid Professionals and American Heroes.
Retired Chief - Chuck Tylka
Southeast Volunteer Fire Department
10510 Scarsdale Blvd, Houston, TX 77089, USA
(281) 922-5557